VA Komotini-Nimfea-Greek-Bulgarian Borders

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  7. VA Komotini-Nimfea-Greek-Bulgarian Borders

This axis is part of Pan-European Corridor IX and has a total length of 23 km.   Its construction was decided within the context of an interstate agreement for the development of road links between Greece and Bulgaria.

The responsibility for the designs and project implementation of Vertical Axis  Komotini-Nimfaia-Greek-Bulgarian borders was assigned to EGNATIA ODOS A.E. with MD Δ1β/0/1786/13-06-2006.

Technical Characteristics

Approximately 19.0 km of an artery of 23 km are a new alignment, while 4 km are an improvement of the existing road, with a standard cross section of 7,50/10,50 m, including one traffic lane per direction of  3,75 m. and a hard shoulder (1.50 m.) on both sides.  The design velocity is mainly 80 km/hour.

At sections with a steep longitudinal gradient, an extra (climbing) lane is constructed, of a width of 3.50 m to the ascending gradient, which increases the cross section’s total width to 11.00/14.00 m.  Finally, along a section approximately 900 m. long, additional climbing lanes are applied on both directions, increasing further the total width to 14.50/17.50 m.  The project also comprises the construction of five (5) road tunnels, of a length of approximately 1.7 km, as well as two (3) intersections.


The project funding has been secured by CSF III, through the Operational Program “Road Axes, Ports, Urban Development” and by the 4th Programming Period, through the Operational Programme “Accessibility Improvement” (National Strategic Reference Framework).

Progress-Current Status

The project was tendered on 15th December 2006.  The tender budget amounted to 85 M€ and the construction contract was concluded on 20.07.2007. The project will be completed by the end of 2012.

VA Komotini-Nimfea-Greek-Bulgarian Borders
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